MAP – Acceptable Usage Policy


  1. This Acceptable Usage Policy (“Policy”) applies in respect of your access and use of this Site operated by Marsh. It is your responsibility to read and understand this Policy.


  1. This Policy may be updated from time to time, in order to comply with legal and policy requirements. If you do not agree with the terms of this Policy you may not use this Site. Marsh accepts no responsibility for any failure to comply with the following requirements.


  1. You should keep your log-in details (username and password) for access to our Site secure and confidential.


  1. You shall not store, distribute or transmit on or via our Site any material which:


    1. is unlawful, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, infringing, bullying, harassing or racially or ethnically offensive;
    2. facilitates illegal activity; depicts sexually explicit images; or promotes unlawful violence, discrimination based on race, gender, colour, religious belief, sexual orientation, disability, or any other illegal activities; or
    3. is inappropriate for Marsh to be associated with and/or is detrimental to our reputation.


  1. You should not wilfully or negligently introduce or create onto the Site of Marsh’s systems any virus, worm, trojan horse, cancelbot or other destructive or contaminating program.


  1. You should use reasonable endeavours to prevent any unauthorised access to, or use of, our Site and notify us promptly of any such unauthorised access or use.


  1. Your use of our Site shall be conditional you procuring that there is no abuse or fraudulent use. For the purposes of this Acceptable Usage Policy, abuse and fraudulent use shall include:


    1. any attempt to copy, duplicate, modify, create derivative works from or distribute all or any portion of our Site (including any software including on or forming part of our Site) except as otherwise under any applicable law which is incapable of exclusion; or
    2. any attempt to reverse compile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise reduce to human-perceivable form all or any part of our Site (including any software including on or forming part of our Site), except as may be permitted under any applicable law which is incapable of exclusion; or 
    3. any attempt to access all or any part of our Site (including any software including on or forming part of our Site) in order to build a product or service which is capable of competing for business with our Site; or
    4. any attempt to obtain, or assist third parties in obtaining, unauthorised access to our Site (including any software including on or forming part of our Site); or
    5. the carrying out of unauthorised invisible processing when using our Site (including placing web bugs and other monitoring devices on computers accessing our Site); or
    6. assisting another to perform the acts prohibited in this Acceptable Usage Policy.


  1. If Marsh observes or has reasonable grounds to suspect that you have committed or intend to commit any abuse or fraudulent misuse as described above, you acknowledge that Marsh shall be entitled to do any or all of the following:.
    1. Issue a formal warning to you;
    2. Suspend or restrict your access to some or all of the Site (with or without prior notice);
    3. Terminate your access to this Site (with or without prior notice);
    4. Disclose information regarding any suspension, restriction or termination of your access to the Site and the reasons for this to your employer; and
    5. Where appropriate, disclose information to law enforcement agencies and take any legal action against you or any other User for breach of this Policy, including but not limited to claiming all costs, fees and disbursements (including but not limited to legal fees) connected therewith.