Privacy Notice

Effective date: 11 Nov 2022

You must be at least 18 years old and possess the legal authority to form legally binding contracts under applicable law to use the Site and the services provided on it.

Marsh (“We” or “The Controller”) strive to protect the privacy and the confidentiality of personal information that we process, including that of visitors to this website or application, hosted by PT. Marsh Indonesia (the “Site”).  This Privacy Notice explains the personal information we collect about you as a user of this Site, how we use, share, and protect that personal information, and what your rights are with respect to your personal information that we gather.

The Privacy Notice is subject to change at any time. If we make changes to this Privacy Notice, we will update the “Effective date” at the top of this page.  Any changes we make to this Privacy Notice become effective immediately, so you should review this Privacy Notice regularly for changes. 

The Privacy Notice is incorporated into our Terms of Use   By using this Site, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and accept the Terms of Use, including this Privacy Notice.  Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with our privacy practices.

Scope of this Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice applies solely to data collected or shared in relation to this Site. We gather this information when you:

What Data Do We Collect?

"Personal information" is information that identifies you as an individual or relates to an identifiable individual.

In the course of using this Site, we may collect from you or your company the following personal information: first and last name, address, email address, phone number and such other information as is reasonably necessary to fulfill the services of this Site.

We also use temporary session cookies that remain in the cookie file on your browser until you close the browser. These cookies do not track your Internet usage after leaving the Site and do not store your personal information. You can refuse to accept and delete cookies by adjusting your browser settings, but please note that refusing or deleting cookies may impact your browsing experience on the Site, or prevent you from using some of its services.

We may also use programs that monitor network traffic, identify unauthorized access or access to nonpublic information, detect computer viruses and other software that might damage our computers or the network, and monitor and fine-tune our network’s performance.  Any such information is used only for the purpose of maintaining the security and performance of our company’s networks and computer systems.

How Do We Use the Personal Information We Collect?

We will use the information provided by you in order to:

Who Do We Share Your Data With?

We share or may share your personal information as follows:

We will not disclose, share, sell, or otherwise use your personal information or the personal information of other individuals provided by you without your consent, except to the extent required by law, in accordance with your instructions, or as identified in this Privacy Notice.  

What Steps Do We Take to Protect Your Information?

All information we collect in relation to this Site may be stored and processed in Sydney, Australia within company-controlled databases.  We restrict access to all personal information collected on this Site to employees of ours and our affiliates and to service providers who need to use it to provide this Site and our products or services.  We have implemented physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to protect all personal information collected on this Site from unauthorized access.  However, as effective as our security measures are, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our systems, nor can we guarantee that information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet.

How Long Do We Keep Your Information?

We will retain all personal information collected on this Site for as long as is necessary for the processing purpose(s) for which it was collected and other permitted purpose(s), including retention of personal information required by contract, law or regulation. Our retention periods are based on business, legal and regulatory needs.

Cross–Border Transfer of Personal Information

This Privacy Notice is provided in accordance with and subject to the laws of the Republic of Indonesia.  If you access this Site from a location outside the Republic of Indonesia, you agree that your use of this Site is subject to the terms of this Privacy Notice and the Terms of Use
The data is stored in a cloud via a third party provider with who a data processing agreement was signed. We take care that the data transfer is made on legal grounds and in compliance with data transfer mechanism that guarantees compliance with the data protection laws of the Republic of Indonesia.

All personal information collected on this Site may be transferred to any country in which we operate, including countries which may not have as robust a data protection regime, to achieve any of the purposes stated above and for systems administration. We have offices in more than 100 countries around the world, please click here for a list of our group companies to whom we may transfer your personal information. It is possible that your details or personal information collected may be passed to these offices – but only where you request that we provide services to you in another country. You consent to the collection, processing and use of the personal data you have provided, its disclosure and transfer as described in this Privacy Notice.

If you submit any personal information relating to another person on or through the Site to us and such personal information is protected by another state or country, you will be responsible for compliance with the applicable laws in so far as they relate to your right to use such personal information, your transfer of it to us, our storage of that personal information in electronic form on the Site and collection, use, processing and transfer of that personal information in performing brokerage and other services for your organization in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

Accuracy, Accountability, Openness and Your Rights  

Under certain conditions, individuals may have the right to request that we:

  1. provide further details on how we use and process their personal information;
  2. provide a copy of the personal information we maintain about the individual;
  3. update any inaccuracies in the personal information we hold;
  4. delete personal information that we no longer have a legal ground to process;
  5. restrict how we process the personal information while we consider the individual’s enquiry; and
  6. transmit their personal data to another controller.

In addition, under certain conditions, individuals have the right to:

  1. where processing is based on consent, withdraw the consent;
  2. object to any processing of personal information that we justify on the “legitimate interests” legal grounds, unless our reasons for undertaking that processing outweigh any prejudice to the individual’s privacy rights; and
  3. object to direct marketing (including any profiling for such purposes) at any time.

These rights are subject to certain exemptions to safeguard the public interest (e.g., the prevention or detection of crime) and our interests (e.g., the maintenance of legal privilege).  We will respond to most requests within 30 days.

In accordance with the local applicable laws of your jurisdiction, any request for access to personal information that we hold about you may be subject to a fee to meet our costs in providing you with details of the personal information that we hold about you.

If you are not satisfied with our use of your personal information or our response to any exercise of these rights you have the right to complain to the data protection regulator in your country.  You can also contact us at

Accessing and Correcting Your Information

Keeping your information accurate and up-to-date is very important.  Inaccurate or incomplete information could impact our ability to deliver relevant services to you.  Please let us know about any changes that may be required to your personal information using the contact information below.

Questions, Requests or Complaints

To submit questions or requests regarding this Privacy Notice or our privacy practices, please contact us at